
Friday, May 15, 2015


Abaranas (Associates) of the deities - After completion of bath, offering of clothes, sacred threads, ornaments, flowers and sandal pastes etc. to the main four deities, the puja of their Abarans are to be undertaken. This is the worship of the associates of the deities, who surround them in shape of a circle.

Starting With OM

Seven Abaranas of Sri Jagannath - 

(1) His close friends in 1st Abarana - Dama, Sudam, Vasudam and Kinkini.
(2) 2nd Abarana - Hrdaya,Siras, Sikha, Kavaca and Astra portion of the Mulamantra. - kleem krishnaya govindaya gopijana vallabhaya

(3) 3rd Abarana - Eight wives of Srikrishna 
(4) 4th Abarana - Real and foster parents of Krishna, Balabhadra, Subhadra; cowherds and Cow - 
(5) 5th Abarana - Five Kalpavrksas, celestial Vrindavana. 
(6) 6th Abarana - Eight Bhaktas, disciples of Krishna.
(7) 7th Abarana - Digpals with their weapons,vahans (carriers) and family members.

Seven Abaranas of Sri Balabhadra -

(1) 1st Abarana -Twelve syllabic mulamantra, - Om Namo Bhagavathey Vasudevay

(2) 2nd Abarana -12 Vishnus connected with 12 months - Keshav, Narayan, Madhab, Govind, 
      Vishnu, Madhusudan, Tribikram, Baman, Sridhar,Hrsikesa, Padmanabha and Damodar, 
(3) 3rd Abarana -12 corresponding Shaktis - Kirti, Kanti,Tusti, Pusti, Dhrti, Ksanti, Kriya, Daya, 
      Medha, Harsa, Saraddha and Lajja, 
(4) 4th Abarana - four Atmas, 
(5) 5th Abarana - Balabhadra Himself in the middle, 
(6) 6th Abarana - All Digpals with their weapons 
(7) 7th Abarana - Ayudhas of Balabhadra.

Seven Avaranas of Subhadra -

(1) 1st Avarana - Monosyllabic Mantra 'Hrim', 

(2) 2nd Abarana - on east, south, west, north of Her Gagan, Rakta, Karalika, Mahatsukama, 
(3) 3rd Abarana - on six corners of hexagon, from east clockwise- Gayatri, Savitri. Visnu, Saraswati, 
      Siva and Brahma, 
(4) 4th Abarana - on 8-petals of the first lotus -Anangakusuma, Anangakusumatura, Bhubanpalika, 
      Gaganvesika,Sasirekha, Gaganrekha, Karali and Vikarali,
(5) 5th Abarana - 16 deities on 16-petalled lotus,from eastern side moving clockwise -
      Uma,Saraswati, Sri, Durga, Jaya, Smrti, Dhrti, Medha,Mati, Kanti, Anangamadan,
      Anangamadanatura, Bhubanesa, Bhubanpalika, Sarvasisira and Anangavedana and 8 mothers 
      outside the lotus, Astamatrkas, starting from east- Brahmani (east), Maheswari (south-east), 
      Kumari (south), Vaisnabi (south-west), Barahi (west), Indrani (north-west), Camunda (north), 
       Laxmi (north-east), 
(6) 6th Abarana - 8 Digpals with their weapons, 
(7) 7th Abarana - Ayudhas- Sayudha and Savahan. 

Five Abaranas of Sri Sudarshan - 

(1) 1st Abarana - 4 deities in four directions - Acakra (south-east), Vicakra (south-west), Sucakra
      (north-west), Adhicakra (north-east). This Abarana is treated as 'Angavaran' 
(2) 2nd Abarana - 8 weapons hold in eight hands - Simple Namaskar Mantra 'Om Sankhaya Namah' 
      with regards to 8 weapons hold by Him in His eight hands - Sankha, Cakra, Gada, Padma, Sara,
      Dhanus, Pasa and Ankusa. 
(3) 3rd Abarana - 8 main Shaktis of Visnu - Laxmi, Saraswati, Rati,Priti, Kirti, Kanti, Tusti and Pusti. (4) 4th Abarana - 8 Digpals - Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varun, Vayu, Kuber, Isana. 

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