
Showing posts with label lila. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lila. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


In Vaisnava-tantra it is mentioned,

mathura dvaraka-lila
jah karoti ca gokule
nilacala sthitah krsna
sta eva racati prabhuh

“Whatever lilas Sri Krishna manifested in Gokula, Mathura and Dvarka; they are all found in Nilacala, Sri Ksetra.”
If you have the vision you can see all the lilas there. When Mahaprabhu stayed there, He saw Vrndavana. When He saw Cataka-parvata He said, “O Govardhan!” When He saw the sea, “Oh! It is Yamuna.” When He saw the garden called Jagannatha-vallabha, “Oh! It is Vrndavana.” Mahaprabhu saw all Krishna’s lilas there in Sri Ksetra. Therefore in Vaisnava-tantra it is said, all the lilas that Krishna manifested in Gokula, Mathura and Dvarka are found in Nilacala, Sri Ksetra.
