
Sunday, January 27, 2019


Sree Mandira has four gates. And in each Gate there stays Hanuman in a different image performing a different service for his Master. Hanuman protects the temple staying at the four gates.

  1. In the east- where there is Lions Gate, Hanuman is worshipped there as ‘FATE HANUMAN’.
  2. In the north gate Hanuman sits in padmasana, holding chakra in four hands, and is worshipped as ‘ASTABHUJA HANUMAN’.
  3. In the south gate Hanuman is seven feet tall and worshipped as ‘BARA BHAI HANUMAN’.
  4. In the western gate Lord Hanuman is around Four feet height and known as ‘KAN PATA HANUMAN’

Tapasvi Hanuman/Chari Chakra Hanuman/Asta-bhuja Hanuman

This Hanuman deity is Located at the north gate of Sri Jagannatha temple for the protection of the mandira. He is also known as Chari cakra Hanuman and Asta bhuja Hanuman. ”Chari cakra” means he is holding four cakras in his hands

Once the Sudarsana cakra of the Lord became proud thinking ” I am so close to the Lord and most dear to Him”.

Lord Jagannath is famous for destroying the pride of his devotees. Jagannath did not like the pride of sudarsana cakra thinking He was most powerful. Sudarshan started thing that the Lord was protected by Him & dependent upon Him. Lord Jagannath takes the help of Sudarsan cakra to accomplish any difficult job. Thus the Lord decided to correct sudarsan’s pride only to protect His dear devotee.
The Lord sent sudarsana chakra to call Hanuman. At that time Hanuman was engaged in tapasya at abhayaranya. Immediately the sudarsan chakra went to inform Hanuman that Lord Jagannath wanted to see Him and Hanuman started His journey to meet the his Lord. After informing Hanuman the sudarsna chakra immediately returned to the temple, reaching there before Hanuman. As Hanuman neared the temple gates, the sudarshan chakra started to move swiftly around the mandir paramiters blocking the path of Hanuman and preventing Him from reach the Ratna Simhasana.
Hanuman asked himself how can i meet my lord? He took shelter of Lord Jagannath simply by remembering Him. Immediately by the mercy of the Lord, Hanuman was empowered and developed six extra arms from His shoulders Thus He became asta bhuja Hanuman.

  1. Four hands had four sudarsana chakras
  2. Two hands were offering pranams
  3. Two hands were chanting the holy name of the Lord.
Hanuman then proceeded towards the ratna simhasana to meet with Lord Jaganntah. After some time sudarsna chakra also reached there in great distress. Lord Jagannath wanted to punish the sudarshan chakra for his offence to hanuman and also wanted to destroy His great pride. Sudarshana chakra was ashamed to see Hanuman more powerful than Him and he had not been able to prevent Hanuman from entering the temple.

Thus the Lord cursed the sudarshana chakra that in the age of kali he will not have his disc form rather he would take the form of a pillar/stambha which will always  be at the left side of Lord Jagannath.

Note; In Vishnu Murthy form Sudarshan chakra is on the right hand of the Lord and The sudarshan gota cuse to be in the left hand side that too as a stamba/pillar.

Kanpata Hanuman

There is a beautiful story behind this western gate deity. This gate is near the temple of Maa Mahalaxmi.

It is said that Lord Jagannath remaining busy in HIS royal activities and listening to the lakhs of devotees come to him daily, does not find a moment to spend with HIS beloved wife Maa MAHALAXMI.

Apart from that maintaining the customs MAHALAXMI never comes to her husband’s place as because HIS elder brother is always present there.

When everything calms down following the traditions, during middle of the night, Lord Jagannath gets out to meet HIS wife.

Mahalaxmi is the daughter of the Ocean GOD. Shree Mandira is situated at the sea shore. The sound of the sea always creates a deep vibration. And again during night when everything is calm the sound of the sea is most vibrant and disturbing. That disturbed Lords romantic mood.But since Ocean God is HIS father in law HE never complained about it.

But toleration too, has a limit. One night Lord was very much disturbed by the sound of the sea and sarcastically commented on the ocean God’s lack of commonsense. Mahalaxmi did not utter a word but was hurt deep inside.

All romance starts and ends with Lord. He realized immediately that his dear wife was hurt by his words. He cajoled Mahalaxmi and next day ordered his dear one Hanuman, near the western gate to ensure that the sound of the sea never enters the meghanada pachery- the boundary wall of Sree Mandira.

Being ordered by his Master, Hanuman made the entire boundary wall sound proof and being explicitly loyal always put his ears on the wall to ensure that the sound of the sea has been seized.

As he has put his ears all the time to ensure the temple soundless- he is known as KANPATA HANUMAN.

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